2009年12月25日 星期五

Week 12

Through these days, we have already down many tasks with different topic. To be honest, I think few of them are a little bit difficult to me. I was frustrated but I still managed to finish them on time. I worked on my grammar and tried to use dissimilar words. I also structured my articles in order to make them easier to read.
About my suggestions as how to grade my performance better:
1.The words count requirement: each weekly assignment should reach the requirement for at least 300 words.
2.The deadline: each weekly assignment should be turn in on time.
3.The content:
(1.) about the use of grammar, words and organization.
(2.) if our contents meet the topic.
(3.) if we can fully convey our ideas.

Base on what I mentioned above, I give myself 7 (from 1~10). I think I still have to work on my task’s contents. I am sure my writing ability has room to improve. Also, I need to finish my assignments more early so that my keypal can post her part soon.

I give my partner 9. I am certain that she is a very hard-working person. She never delays her work and always gives me other fresh thoughts under a same topic. I also learn some writing skills from her comments. She deserves this score! I am thankful for her help.

2009年12月12日 星期六

Week 11

Among the five formats of learning, “discussion” interesting me most” and “reading” is what I like the least.
Through the discussion to my classmates, some thoughts or ideals will be inspired. And we can be more familiar to our classmates as well. I remember in our listening and speaking class, teacher once asked us to “create an invention” by discussing with our own group. At first, I was a little bit nervous for not knowing my group members well. But afterwards, I found they are all easy-going and conversational. I was surprised by my group members’ creativity and imagination as well. Eventually, we had a great time and invent a special thing.
Furthermore, when I encounter some difficulties which I cannot solve by myself, I will go to library or ask my friends for help. These two manner seem quite normal but, indeed, are very useful. I must make efforts by myself first and sure I cannot find out the solution, then I go for my friends. Friends can give us their ideals and suggestions which we may never though before.
I think I am a learner who need interaction very much. Because I often feel bored and exhausted when doing assignments by myself. My ideals will be inspired by the process of interaction.

Week ten

After reread my blog, I found something interesting. My point of view will change as time goes by; as a result, I was surprised by my previous thoughts somewhat. However, by doing week tasks, I was cultivated to use different angles to see one thing and I believed it was my keypal who help me do the change. Although under the same topic, we still have different opinions and sometimes share our own experiences. I am sure by these week tasks, what I can learn is beyond my imagination.

As to grade, I think I will grade myself 7, because I know I still have room to improve. For example, my writing skills. About the usage of words and transitional phrases, I can try to be more specific and use some new words. On the other hand, I also need to learn how to utilize my time. To be honest, I sometimes feel tired and try to procrastinate my assignments because my mind went blank and feel nothing to say about the topic. Maybe I should search some information from Internet in order to inspire myself.