2010年5月17日 星期一


Few days ago, I learned that our French teacher might not teach us in the next semester. I was very shock. I knew that she was serious sick so she had to call off some class in the following weeks. Recently, she needs to have operations. When she tells us her health situation, most of us could not believe in what she just said. Because she always looks energetic and passion in class. She never appears tired look. At first, I though she may take some classes off until the end of this semester. Then, she will appear healthy in next semester. But, I was wrong! I am very sad about the bad news, because she is a very good teacher. I learned not only French but also her positive attitude towards life from her. I truly hope she can recover soon and keep teaching us.
Sometimes, I really feel the uncertainty of life is terrible. We do not know what will happen in next day or next minute. I still remember the serious landslide accident in highway which happened in last month. Some drivers unfortunately were buried in earth, but some does not only because they drove behind those cars for ten meters. No one wants this happened, but it did happened. We cannot do anything to stop those natural accidents. This is the uncertainty of life. I think we should treasure what we have now, and care more about our family and friends. Sometimes, I easily take what I have for granted and seldom think I need to cherish them. I must change my attitude or I will definitely regret after lose something which cannot be replace.

